GR 7 - Local Rules - Filing and Effective Date

Comments for GR 7 must be received no later than September 30, 2020.




Suggested Amendment to GR 7—Local Court Rulemaking Rules—Filing and Effective Date


Submitted by the Washington State Association of County Clerks


A.   Name of Proponent:  Washington State Association of County Clerks

Spokesperson:  Tim Fitzgerald, Spokane County Clerk, 1116 W Broadway Ave, Room 300, Spokane, WA 99260, (509) 477-3901,; Barbara Miner, King County Clerk, 516 Third Avenue, RM E609, Seattle, WA  98104, 206-477-0777 


B.   Purpose: These suggested edits to GR 7, the rule on local rules, are modeled after GR 9, the rule on state court rule making.  This suggested language is intended to improve communication and transparency and help avoid situations that happen from time to time where an involved local court stakeholder is caught off guard by a new or changed local rule.


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