Civic Learning Council

Quality civic learning is the most important factor in determining whether students will actively participate in their communities as adults. The urgency for improving civic learning is underscored by the Center for Strategic and International Studies report that the lack of high quality civic education is a national security risk.

About the Civic Learning Council

In June 2019, the Council on Public Legal Education (CPLE) became the Civic Learning Council with its continued mission to bolster civic learning for all Washington State students.

The Civic Learning Council specifically addresses gaps in civic learning and how our state can be more effective in providing meaningful civic learning for all our Washington youth. It focuses on the policies, resources, and support necessary for success in K-16 schools and youth development programs.

The Civic Learning Council was inspired by the efforts of CivXNow and other states efforts, including California's Power of Democracy Program, Illinois's Democracy Schools Initiative and Florida's Lou Frey Institute and Florida Law-Related Association, Inc.


  • Ensure that all Washington youth have access to high-quality civic learning both in school and in out-of-school programming — satisfying six proven practices of the Civic Mission of Schools.
  • Foster collaboration between in-school and out-of-school civic learning educators so that opportunities for training, programs, curricula, and professional development are networked and shared.
  • Energize the collaboration between community organizations and cultural communities to involve their youth in civic activities.
  • Promote equity by prioritizing civic learning opportunities for underserved youth — especially youth of color, immigrant and refugee youth, and youth in rural communities.
  • Establish local civic learning partnerships.
  • Raise public awareness and support for civic learning.

Program Elements





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