Supreme Court Issues

Prepared by:

Michael E. Johnston
Supreme Court Commissioner

When this court accepts review of cases, the Commissioner's Office attempts to identify, summarize, and classify the principal issue or issues each case presents. Those issues appear below. Please note that the Justices have not reviewed or approved the issues or classifications, and there can be no guarantee that the court's opinions will address these precise questions. A separate list is provided for cases accepted for review but not yet set and cases with hearing dates in the court's current or upcoming term. This information was most recently updated on June 6, 2024; an asterisk precedes entries that were added or changed at that time. The new format for cases not yet set or heard includes hyperlinks to petitions and Court of Appeals decisions. Cases heard in each of the three previous terms are listed in separate documents.

Attorneys who represent organizations wishing to file amicus curiae briefs in cases not yet argued are urged to move to do so as early as possible, so that the amicus briefs and answers may be scheduled to permit full consideration by the court. Note that amicus curiae briefs should be received by the court and counsel not later than 45 days before oral argument. RAP 10.2(f). If the 45th day before oral argument falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the brief must be received by the preceding day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.

Cases Not Yet Set/April Term 2024 (Last Update: 06/06/2024)
January Term 2024
September Term 2023
April Term 2023

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