Washington State Courts: Judge Janet S. Chung - Court of Appeals Division I

Judge Janet S. Chung

Judge Janet S. Chung

Judge Janet Chung was appointed to the Washington State Court of Appeals in March 2022 by Governor Jay Inslee. When she was appointed, Judge Chung was advocacy director at Columbia Legal Services, a statewide civil legal aid organization that works to advance social, economic, and racial justice for people living in poverty. Before that, Judge Chung was legal and legislative counsel at Legal Voice, a public interest organization that advances gender justice in the Northwest through litigation, legislative advocacy, and legal rights education.

Judge Chung's prior experience also includes teaching legal writing at Seattle University School of Law and practicing employment law and business litigation at law firms in Washington, D.C. and Seattle. Earlier in her career, she served as a Georgetown University Women's Law and Public Policy fellow at the National Partnership for Women and Families in D.C. and as a law clerk in her hometown of Houston, Texas, to U.S. District Court Judge Lee H. Rosenthal.

Judge Chung has served on numerous civic and legal organizations, including the City of Seattle's Labor Standards Advisory Commission, the board of Asian Pacific Islander Americans for Civic Empowerment, the City of Seattle's Gender Equity in Pay Task Force, and as President of Washington Women Lawyers. She is a graduate of Yale University and Columbia University School of Law.

Judge Chung is the daughter of Korean immigrants and a first-generation lawyer. The proud mother of two sons, Judge Chung has called Washington State home for over 25 years.


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