May 10, 2004

July 5, 2005


TO:                  Superior Court Judges, County Clerks, Superior Court Administrators,

                        Prosecuting Attorneys, Defense Attorneys and Law Libraries


FROM:            Merrie Gough, Legal Analyst




Following is a list of changes to the Felony Judgment and Sentence forms and the Notes on Usage and Local Options memorandum:



WPF CR 84.0400

Felony Judgment and Sentence


Change the name of the form in the caption and in the footer to “Felony Judgment and Sentence.”  In the footer, delete “(felony)” where it appears after the name of the form.


Change the docket code in the caption and in the footer from “(JS)” to “(FJS).”


In the caption, add “4.5 SDOSA” to the Clerk’s Action Required line.


To implement 2005 Wash. Laws 218 (HB 1072), relating to controlled substances –flunitrazepam—methamphetamine, the special verdict/finding relating to manufacture of methamphetamine when a juvenile is present is modified as follows:


[ ]   A special verdict/finding that the defendant committed a crime involving the manufacture of methamphetamine, including its salts, isomers, and salts of isomers, when a juvenile was present in or upon the premises of manufacture was returned on Count(s) __________ ___________________.  RCW 9.94A.605, RCW 69.50.401, RCW 69.50.440.


To implement 2005 Wash. Laws 68 (SB 5477), relating to sentencing outside the standard sentence range, the following changes to paragraph 2.4 were made:

2.4  [ ] EXCEPTIONAL SENTENCE.  Substantial and compelling reasons exist which justify an exceptional sentence:

            [ ] within  [ ] below the standard range for Count(s)                          ___________________.

            [ ] above the standard range for Count(s) _________.  


                 [ ] The defendant and state stipulate that justice is best served by imposition of the exceptional sentence above the standard range and the court finds the exceptional sentence furthers and is consistent with the interests of justice and the purposes of the sentencing reform act.

                 [ ] Aggravating factors were [ ] stipulated by the defendant, [ ] found by the court after the defendant waived jury trial [ ] found by jury by special interrogatory.

            Findings of fact and conclusions of law are attached in Appendix 2.4.  [ ] Jury’s special interrogatory is attached.  The Prosecuting Attorney [ ] did  [ ] did not recommend a similar sentence.


On page 4, update the Domestic Violence assessment citation in paragraph 4.1 from “Laws of 2004, ch. 15 § 2” to “RCW 10.99.080.”


To implement SB 5461, relating to costs of incarceration, in paragraph 4.1 on page 5, change this check box option as follows:


[ ]  In addition to the other costs imposed herein, the court finds that the defendant has the means to pay for the cost of incarceration and is ordered to pay such costs at the statutory rate of $50.00 per day, unless another rate is specified here:  __________.  RCW 9.94A.760.


In the same check box option, insert the JASS code “(JLR)” [Reimbursement – Jail costs] after the end of the sentence and before the RCW citation.


To implement 2005 Wash. Laws 218 (HB 1072), relating to controlled substances –flunitrazepam—methamphetamine, in “Confinement Over One Year,” paragraph 4.6, update the following provision in the table listing offenses for which DOC will provide supervision: 

(vi) Offense for manufacture, delivery or possession with intent to deliver methamphetamine including its salts, isomers, and salts of isomers,


To implement 2005 Wash. Laws 436 (SHB 1147), relating to protecting communities from sex offenders through the establishment of community protection zones,  the following new condition of community custody should be added to Confinement Over One year, paragraph 4.6, COMMUNITY CUSTODY:


[ ]  Defendant shall not reside in a community protection zone (within 880 feet of the factilities and grounds of a public or private school). (RCW 9.94A.030(8)).


The following variation should be added to Jail One year or Less, paragraph 4.6, COMMUNITY CUSTODY:


[ ]  not reside in a community protection zone (within 880 feet of the factilities and grounds of a public or private school). (RCW 9.94A.030(8).)


And the condition should be added to paragraph 4.5 of  Special Sex Offender Sentencing Alternative:


[ ]  Defendant shall not reside in a community protection zone (within 880 feet of the factilities and grounds of a public or private school). (RCW 9.94A.030(8).)


2005 Wash. Laws 460 (E2SHB 2015) modifies RCW 9.94A.660, relating to the Special Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative.  Effective October 1, 2005, the court will have two sentencing alternatives: 1) the prison-based alternative; and 2) the residential chemical dependency treatment-based alternative.  To implement 2005 Wash. Laws 460, the following changes were made to the SPECIAL DRUG OFFENDER SENTENCING ALTERNATIVE:


In paragraph 4.5, insert the following heading immediately above “CONFINEMENT.”  (A) PRISON-BASED ALTERNATIVE (effective for sentences imposed on or after October 1, 2005):


Add “(1)” before CONFINEMENT.


Insert the following after the paragraph beginning with “The defendant shall receive credit…:


       (2) COMMUNITY CUSTODY.  Defendant shall serve ________________ months in community custody.  (The remainder of the midpoint of the standard range.)  The defendant shall comply with the community custody conditions in paragraph 4.6.


Insert the following new section in paragraph 4.5:


        (B) RESDIENTIAL CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY TREATMENT-BASED ALTERNATIVE (effective for sentences imposed on or after October 1, 2005).


             (1) Defendant shall serve __________ months in community custody  (A term equal to one-half of the midpoint of the standard range or two years, whichever is greater) under the supervision of the Department of Corrections(DOC), on the condition that the defendant enters and remains in residential chemical dependency treatment certified under chapter 70.96A RCW for _____________________ months. 

          (2) The defendant shall comply with the community custody conditions in paragraph 4.6.  DOC shall make chemical dependency assessment and treatment services available to the defendant during the term of community custody, within available funding.

            (3)  A progress hearing is set for _________ (date).

                  A treatment termination hearing is scheduled for three months before the expiration of the term of community custody, on ______________(date), or to be set later. 


Change the title of paragraph 4.6 as follows:  COMMUNITY CUSTODY CONDITIONS.


In paragraph 4.6, delete the first sentence beginning with “Defendant shall serve…..”   In the second sentence (now the first), insert “sentencing or” after “72 hours after” and before “release from custody.”


In paragraph 4.7, insert “(a)” in front of the heading “ADDITIONAL CONFINEMENT UPON VIOLATION OF SENTENCE CONDITIONS.


In paragraph 4.7, insert the following new subsection “(b):”


(b) CONFINEMENT ORDERED AT THE TREATMENT TERMINATION HEARING (effective for sentences imposed on or after October 1, 2005).  At the treatment termination hearing, the court may impose a term of total confinement equal to one-half of the midpoint of the standard sentence range.  Confinement imposed at the hearing shall be followed by the term of community custody in paragraph 4.8.  Within available funding, DOC shall make chemical dependency assessment and treatment services available to the defendant during the terms of total confinement and community custody. 


In paragraph 4.8, insert “(a)” in front of “for offenses committed…”  After this first sentence add the following new subsection “b”.


(b) (effective for sentences imposed on or after October 1, 2005) For a defendant sentenced under the residential chemical dependency treatment-based alternative, the following term of community custody is ordered after the term of total confinement imposed at the treatment termination hearing:


Enter a paragraph return after the new subhection (b) and start the next sentence beginning with “Defendant shall serve” at the left margin. 


To implement 2005 Wash. Laws 436 (SHB 1147), which renumbered the subsections in RCW 9.94A.030, the statutory subsection references in paragraph 4.5, CONFINEMENT OVER ONE YEAR:  PERISISTENT OFFENDER were changed to RCW 9.94A.030(33).


In paragraph 5.9, change the law citation from “Laws of 2004, ch. 166 § 11” to “RCW 9.94A.562.


To implement 2005 Wash. Laws 246 (ESSB 5743) § 1, the following “Voting Rights Statement” was inserted after the signature lines and before the interpreter’s declaration:


VOTING RIGHTS STATEMENT: RCW 10.64.___ I acknowledge that my right to vote has been lost due to felony conviction.  If I am registered to vote, my voter registration will be cancelled.  My right to vote may be restored by:  a)  A certificate of discharge issued by the sentencing court, RCW 9.94A.637; b)  A court order issued by the sentencing court restoring the right, RCW 9.92.066;  c)  A final order of discharge issued by the indeterminate sentence review board, RCW 9.96.050; or d)  A certificate of restoration issued by the governor, RCW 9.96.020.  Voting before the right is restored is a class C felony, RCW 92A.84.660.


Defendant’s signature: ______2005 Wash. Laws 246 § 1.


In the Interpreter’s certification section.  Move the signature line to below the certification statement.


Delete the sentence:  “CAUSE NUMBER of this case:_________________”


A mandatory FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW FOR AN EXCEPTIONAL SENTENCE, APPENDIX 2.4 JUDGMENT AND SENTENCE, was not developed to implement 2005 Wash. Laws 68 § 4.  Instead, there are two optional forms.


In the existing Appendix 2.4,“(Optional)” is inserted below the form title in the caption.


A second FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW FOR AN EXCEPTIONAL SENTENCE, APPENDIX 2.4 JUDGMENT AND SENTENCE, is added to the judgment and sentence for optional use by the courts.



WPF CR 08.0650

Certificate and Order of Discharge


Insert the following docket code in the caption and in the footer:  “(CRORD).”


WPF CR 04.0750

Waiver of Jury Trial on Aggravating Factors


This new form was developed to implement the underlined portion of the last sentence of 2005 Wash. Laws 68 (SB 5477) § 4(2), copied here:


“…If a jury is waived, proof shall be to the court beyond a reasonable doubt, unless the defendant stipulates to the aggravating facts.”



WPF CR 04.0900

Notice of Ineligibility to Possess Firearm


This new form was created to implement 2005 Wash. Laws 453 (HB 1687), which amended RCW 9.41.047 by adding persons found not guilty by reason of insanity to the list of persons ineligible to possess firearms.  The court is required to give oral and written notice. 



WPF CR 84.0420

Domestic Violence No-Contact Order (Felony)


As indicated above, insert “(Felony)” below the form title in the right side of the caption.  This change clarifies that the no-contact order is for use in felony cases.


Change the superior court docket code from “ORPRT” to “ORNC” in the caption and in the footer.


In the text of the form, insert “1.” in front of the first paragraph and insert the following phrase before “the court finds…:”


“Based upon the certificate of probable cause and/or other documents contained in the case record, testimony, and the statements of counsel,…”


Insert the following as the new paragraph 2:


2.  The court further finds that the defendant’s relationship to a person protected by this order is:   current or former spouse  parent of a common child  current or former cohabitant as intimate partner  other family or household member as defined in RCW 10.99.


Insert the following as the new paragraph 3:

3. [ ] (Pretrial order for crimes not defined as serious offenses in RCW 9.41.010) The court makes the following findings pursuant to RCW 9.41.800:  [ ] the defendant used, displayed, or threatened to use a firearm or other dangerous weapon in a felony; [ ]  the defendant previously committed an offense that makes him or her ineligible to possess a firearm under the provisions of RCW 9.41.040; or
[ ] possession of a firearm or other dangerous weapon by the defendant presents a serious and imminent threat to public health or safety, or to the health or safety of any individual.


After “IT IS ORDERED THAT,” the existing restraint provisions are listed as “A.” through “C.”  The following new restraint provisions are added:


D. [ ]  (Pretrial: crimes not defined as serious offenses in RCW 9.41.010, RCW 9.41.800 findings made) Obtaining or possessing a firearm, other dangerous weapon or concealed pistol license.

            [ ]  (Pretrial: crimes defined as serious offenses) Obtaining, owning, possessing or controlling a firearm.

            [ ]  (Conviction)  Obtaining, owning, possessing or controlling a firearm.


After the restraint provisions in “D,” and immediately above the pretrial order regarding surrender of firearms, insert the following new heading:  “IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT,” the pretrial order is changed to:


[ ]    (Pretrial order) The defendant shall immediately surrender all firearms and other dangerous weapons within the defendant’s possession or control and any concealed pistol license to: _____________________ [name/law enforcement agency].


In the fourth paragraph in the “Warnings to the Defendant,” insert the following phrase after “…an opportunity to participate, the defendant,” and before “may not possess:”



“if a spouse or former spouse, a parent of a common child, or a current or former cohabitant as intimate partner of a person protected by this order,”


In the same paragraph, change “respondent” to “defendant.”




Felony Judgment and Sentence:  Notes on Usage and Local Options


Add the following information to the second paragraph on the first page of the Notes on Usage and Local Options:


CrR 7.2(d) requires use of a uniform judgment and sentence form in superior courts.  While standardization is important since information on the form is used by many individuals and agencies, the form is intended to have some flexibility in use to reflect local practice.  Additionally, the sentencing sections, such as “Confinement Over One Year” and “Special Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative” are alternative.  Use only the sections applicable to the specific judgment and sentence.  Sections that do not apply may be removed or deleted from a judgment and sentence form.


On page 6, insert the following paragraph regarding 4.5, SPECIAL DRUG OFFENDER SENTENCING ALTERNATIVE, subsection (B)(3):


4.5  SPECIAL DRUG OFFENDER SENTENCING ALTERNATIVE.  Effective for sentences imposed on or after October 1, 2005, the court may sentence a defendant to serve a prison-based alternative or to serve a residential chemical dependency treatment-based alternative.  As part of the residential chemical dependency treatment-based alternative, the court is required to schedule a treatment termination hearing three months before the expiration of the term of community custody.  RCW 9.94A.660(6)(a).  Paragraph 4.5(B)(3) of the Special Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative contains the following sentence:


            A treatment termination hearing is scheduled for three months before the expiration of the term of community custody, on __________ (date), or to be set later. 


Entering a specific date for the treatment termination hearing is optional and at the discretion of the local court.  If no date is set in the judgment and sentence, the court will have to set a date three months before termination of community custody by separate order.


On page 10, insert the following new text regarding the FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW FOR AN EXCEPTIONAL SENTENCE:





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