Workforce Diversity Resource Directory

The population of Washington State is forecast to significantly grow in racial, ethnic and cultural composition. However, in most Washington counties, demographic data indicate that persons of color are significantly underrepresented and underutilized in court positions relative to their availability in the labor pool. To compete with private organizations, and to properly reflect and respect their constituents, state courts will need to maximize efforts to recruit and retain employees of color.

Selection Criteria

Listed in this directory are those government and community based organizations which are primarily non-profit and provide some level of employment service. These programs range in scope from a simple bulletin board listing to comprehensive employment and training services. No judgement has been made about the effectiveness of any program or agency listed. Prospective applicants make their own judgements about which services and organizations they use in their search for employment.

Many ethnic community organizations are not listed here because they do not provide any type of job-related services. Small community language newsletters and papers which do not have regular press dates were also not included in this directory. Some specifically requested that job listings not be sent to them as they have no means of sharing the information.

In addition, there are many immigrant groups of color that have more informal information sharing networks, primarily through religious and human service organizations. In some cases, job announcements will travel through a network of individuals rather than through formalized channels.

Data Gathering

The listings in this directory were compiled from a variety of sources including: government and community group directories, both published and unpublished, mailing lists and personal contacts. In an effort to provide the most accurate information, listings were included only if addresses and telephone numbers were confirmed by mail or by telephone.

Although care has been taken to be as inclusive and accurate as possible, any directory is out-of-date by the time it is produced. For inclusion in the next update of this directory, please send your corrections and/or additions to:

Washington State Minority and Justice Commission
Washington State Supreme Court
Temple of Justice
PO Box 41174
Olympia, WA 98504-1174
Telephone (360) 705-5327
Fax (360) 357-2127

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