Contact Us
Gender & Justice Commission
Administrative Office of the Courts
PO Box 41170
Olympia, WA 98504-1170


The mission of the Commission is to promote gender equality in the system of law and justice through:
  • Sharing collective implementation about gender equity issues with all levels of state court, the legal profession, law enforcement, the educational community, and the public at large.
  • Offering educational programs and examining court practices to ensure that gender bias plays no part in the treatment of parties attorneys and court employees, and that gender bias plays no part in the judicial decision making process.
  • Serving as liaison between the courts and other organizations which share the Commission's commitment to gender equality in the courts in order to identify gender equality issues and to deal with them effectively.
  • Cooperating and coordinating with national and regional gender and justice programs, networks, committees, task forces and commissions for purposes of developing and offering effective judicial education programs, and developing research projects and sharing ideas.
  • Communicating the mission, goals, and developing project of the Commission and the courts to the legal and judicial community and to the public at large.

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