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Minority & Justice Commission
Administrative Office of the Courts
Post Office Box 41170
Olympia, WA 98504-1170
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Education Committee

Chair: Judge Lori K. Smith

The Education Committee seeks to improve the administration of justice by identifying and eliminating racism and its effects on the justice system by offering and supporting a variety of innovative, high quality education programs designed to improve the cultural and professional competency of all court employees, including members of the judiciary, and other representatives of the justice systems in Washington State.

Stated Goals:

  • To provide and foster leadership for all components of the justice systems with the goal of eliminating racial, cultural, and ethnic bias and disparate treatment and fostering systemic change.
  • To ensure that cultural diversity and cultural competency trainings are an essential and continuous aspect of employment or service within the justice systems.
  • To increase cultural awareness, foster greater appreciation of racial and cultural diversity, and engender mutual respect in persons who deliver court services and represent our justice systems.
  • To provide and recommend resources and education programs consistent with the mission of the Committee in collaboration with others.
  • To be creative in developing high quality, comprehensive education programs tied to designed with learning outcomes and objectives.


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