Supreme Court Calendar

Washington State Courts: Washington State Supreme Court Calendar

February 10, 1999

9:00 A.M. Olympia Wednesday, February 10, 1999


Case No. 1 -65679-7

Everett Ruse,
Department of Labor and Industries
Jeffry Finer

Sheryl Gordon

SYNOPSIS: Did the workers' compensation claimant, who had worked in heavy labor for many years until he quit because of back pain, establish that the degenerative arthritis in his spine was aggravated by his employment so as to result in an occupational disease?

Case No. 2 -65681-9 COUNSEL
Jack Staats and Sherry Ann Staats, husband and wife,
James Brown and The State of Washington, Department of Fish and Wildlife
Clinton Henderson
Neil Cox

C. Berton Paul

SYNOPSIS: Whether a fisheries officer acted unreasonably or violated the plaintiff's clearly established legal rights by attempting to issue him a citation for a misdemeanor Fisheries Code violation committed outside the officer's presence, thus removing the officer's qualified immunity from a state tort and federal civil rights lawsuit based on the incident.

1:30 P.M.

Case No. 3 -66830-2 COUNSEL
Cal Currens and Elsa M. Currens, a marital community,
Irene Sleek and Dennis and Jane Doe Stephenson, individually and as a marital community; Dennis Stephenson Logging, a sole proprietorship
John Karpinski

R. Daniel Lindahl
Douglas Foley
Ruth Rocker

SYNOPSIS: Whether a reasonable use standard should be applied to determine the liability of landowners for activities that cause damages by increasing the flow of surface water onto adjacent land.

These summaries are not formulated by the Court and are provided for the convenience of the public only.


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