JISAC Courts of Limited Jurisdiction Subcommittee

July 28, 2000

Patty King, Chair, Chelan District Court
Sandy Hyde, Yakima District Court
Mary Lewis, Seattle Municipal Court
Pam Springer, Skagit District Court
Vickie Sullivan, Tacoma Municipal Court
Janet Sweeney, Everett Municipal Court

Randy McKown, Applications
Doug Haake, Court Services

Summary of Action Items

1. Distribute list of data elements on citation form.
2. Revise list of pending time pay change requests for further review and prioritization.
3. Draft a letter to DOL concerning electronic citations project, given previous rejection of DHIP proposal.
4. Clarify driving factors behind identifying data quality task.
5. Prepare for discussion of completeness and accuracy rates on prioritized data quality items.
6. Notify CR 143996 requestor that alternate procedure was approved by committee.
7. Compile list of PLS screen problems.

Call to Order
Patty King called the meeting to order and asked everyone to introduce him or herself.

April minutes were amended to reflect that the vote on rejecting DHIP was approved by a majority.

Project Updates

JABS--Judicial Access Browser System. The intent of this project is to provide sentencing information from a number of different screens in one location, with links to other screens. The prototype is up and running. A September release is projected. Randy is in the process of identifying judges to participate in prototype review. Randy will send a project description to committee members.
ACORDS--Appellate Court Records and Data System. The rewrite of this system is progressing, utilizing 3 staff and a contractor. A pilot is expected by late September. Once the first phase is in place, work on electronic filing for appellate courts will begin.
LECS--Law Enforcement Court Scheduling. This project is currently on hold. It is expected to move again around the end of September. Once completed, this will allow scheduling of officers in DISCIS. The project was previously a WASPC initiative. The
application is not complicated. Training is expected to be by way of documentation and on line help.
Civil Writs. The problem is multiple writs being paid on a single receipt. The current program is being modified to count based on total dollars on the receipt divided by the civil writ amount to give an accurate count of writ numbers. The project is expected to be completed within a month. The committee asked that staff send out prior notice of implementation so courts can track initial accuracy.
Electronic Citations. This project is on a fast track. A pilot project is being planned for this fall and the expectation is that sufficient results will be in to support a request for statewide roll out money from the legislature during the next session. The pilot will consist of WSP and Thurston County District Court. The costs involved are mainly for hardware and training. Two vendors have been identified. A review committee has yet to be identified.
The committee also reviewed the data elements required by courts. The committee added case number, case type and interpreter to those previously identified. The committee asked that a list of data elements contained on the citation be distributed. A request was also made that facility be available to correct faulty RCW entry.

CLJ Data Warehouse. Problems still regularly interrupt the Warehouse load process. A new tool has been purchased to replace the existing extract/load process and should be operational by the end of August.

Discis Plea & Sentence Change Request. This change is left over or related to an earlier (February) PLS change. The FRD code is attempting to serve as both a case-related tracking code and charge related identifier for charges having deferred judgements. The proposed solution is to separate the case and charge related functionality of the code. This proposal will involve significantly less work than making the code case related.

In addition to the recommendation, the committee requests the following:

  • Automatic Docket Entry - When a review date is entered for the first time, the sentence date will be used as the docket date.
  • Automatic Docket Entry - When a previously entered review date is modified, the current date will be used as the docket date.

The committee voted to approve the proposed procedure with the noted additions.

Time Pay. JISAC has directed that 3 to 4 of the changes be selected for an immediate fix and that the existence of identified problems be validated. OAC has sized the projects as "small" (1 month), "medium (1-3 months) and "large" (more than 3 months). Staff will determine which, if
any, of these problems have been resolved. It was also suggested that some of the problems might be training related. A revised list (with any closed items removed) will be discussed at the next subcommittee meeting.

DOL DHIP Response. This topic was taken out of order so Mary Lewis could attend another meeting. The Committee reviewed Patty King's letter to DOL and DOL's response. Randy was asked whether the electronic citation project was on the table when the committee received DOL's request. Randy indicated it was not. Electronic citations will provide the data DOL needs for DHIP. The committee requested a letter be sent to DOL indicating that OAC is pursuing implementation of electronic citations, which will allow DOL to capture its required data. It was noted that electronic citations do not resolve hard copy storage issues.

Data Quality. JISAC has requested its subcommittees identify roughly 25 data elements that are verifiable and lend a level of confidence to JIS data. The committee reviewed a list of suggestions staff had prepared and made additions and changes. The committee then discussed modes of verification for each data element. Randy suggested this is likely to be an ongoing discussion.

BRIO. A problem exists with saving BRIO Insight inquiries in that when new data are added to the data warehouse, inquiries written and saved before that addition are no longer recognized.
BRIO has indicated this will be fixed but has not scheduled the project. Randy indicated there are two choices available: not adding new data, or scheduling periodic data additions with notice to users. The committee's preferred alternative is scheduling.

It was suggested that as users develop inquiries, they document their efforts so they do not have to reinvent inquiries after data warehouse additions. The committee noted that knowing who is writing inquiries and about what would be valuable information. Some sharing of inquiries might cut down the individual effort. Randy noted there is the capability to provide predefined reports, which can be made available to everyone. Round table, hands on, training/idea sharing was suggested.

JIS Client Request 143996--Inaccurate PLS Code Docket Entry. The committee reviewed a request concerning the automatic docket entry made upon entry of a plea to a reduced or amended charge after completion of a deferral/diversion program. The request asked that the "GO" code entry result in a docket entry reflecting that charge 2 was reduced after a revoked deferral. The Committee indicated it felt the requested change would be confusing. The committee denied the change request and recommended the proper procedure is to amend the original charge and enter a finding of guilty to the reduced/amended charge.

Next Meeting: September 13, 2000, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Two Union, Room 1606

Tentative agenda: CLJ case management, timepay, person comment field and PLS screen problems


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