RAP Form 12 - Order of Indigency

Comments for RAP Form 12 must be received no later than July 28, 2017.

GR 9 Cover Sheet

Suggested Change to RAP Form 12


(A)             Name of Proponent:  Washington Court of Appeals Rules Committee.


(B)                    Spokesperson:  Honorable Kevin M. Korsmo, Chair, Court of Appeals Rules Committee.


(C)                   Purpose:  The suggested changes clarify the form used by the superior courts for orders of indigency for appellate review. The changes are also intended to reduce the frequency of the superior court’s need to amend the order of indigency by deleting the requirement that the order state with specificity which parts of the verbatim report of proceedings and clerk’s papers are necessary for review.  Instead, the order states that the indigent party is entitled to copies of the verbatim report of proceedings and the clerk’s papers that are “reasonably necessary for review.”


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