Summary of Changes to Forms

Antiharssment Forms (1998)

November 1998

Chapter 10.14 RCW

Use this sheet to track changes made in 1998 to the forms.

UH 02.0200 Petition For An Order For Protection Deleted paragraph 4, "minors addressed in this petition.

Added a new paragraph 4, with petitioner's identification information data field.

Added a paragraph 5, with respondent's identification information data field.

Added a paragraph 6, with minor's identification information data field.

On page two, updated the references to minors listed in paragraph 6.

UH 03.0200 Temporary Protection Order And Notice Of Hearing Added a place to write the next hearing date, time and place on page one, under the caption.

In the last information box on page 2, removed the paragraph starting with "This Temporary Order for Protection is effective " Added the following sentence to the end of the sentence directing the respondent to appear: "THE NEXT HEARING DATE AND TIME IS SHOWN BELOW THE CAPTION ON PAGE ONE."

The following sentence was added above the date line: "This Temporary Order for Protection is effective until the next hearing date and time shown below the caption on page one."

UH 04.0500 Order For Protection From Unlawful Civil Harassment Added an identification information data field to paragraph 2 for minors addressed in the order.

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