Summary of Changes to Forms

Domestic Violence Forms (1998)

November 1998

Chapter 26.50 RCW

Use this sheet to track changes made in 1998 to the forms.

WPF DV-1.010 Petition for Order for Protection (No Children) Changed the first sentence in paragraph 2, from "I am a Resident of this county," to "I live in this county."

Added paragraph 5, the petitioner's identification information data fields required by RCW 26.50.160(3): Name, date of birth and Driver's License or Indenticard, number and state.

Added paragraph 6, the respondent's identification information data fields required by RCW 26.50.160(3): Name, date of birth and Driver's License or Indenticard, number and state, or if unavailable, home address.

WPF DV-1.020 Petition For Order For Protection (Children) Changed the first sentence in paragraph 2, from "I am a Resident of this county," to "I live in this county."

Removed the vertical lines in paragraph 4.

Added paragraph 5, the petitioner's identification information data field required by RCW 26.50.160(3): Name, date of birth and Driver's License or Indenticard, number and state.

Added paragraph 6, the respondent's identification information data field required by RCW 26.50.160(3): Name, date of birth and Driver's License or Indenticard, number and state, or if unavailable, home address.

In paragraph 7, added a column to indicate the sex of the children addressed in the petition.

Renumbered the remaining paragraphs, and updated references to the minors listed in paragraph 7, in pages two and three.

WPF DV-1.030 Child Custody Information Sheet Paragraph A was updated to refer to the children listed in paragraph 7 of the petition.

WPF DV-1.0400 Law Enforcement Information Sheet No substantive changes. The "Confidential" watermark was removed.
WPF DV-2.010 Temporary Order for Protection and Notice of Hearing (No Children) Added a place to write the next hearing date, time and place on the front page under the caption.

Added more space to the protection order paragraphs.

In the first information box on page 2, removed the paragraph starting with "This Temporary Order for Protection is effective " Added the following sentence to the end of the sentence directing the respondent to appear: "THE NEXT HEARING DATE AND TIME IS SHOWN BELOW THE CAPTION ON PAGE ONE."

The following sentence was added above the date line: "This Temporary Order for Protection is effective until the next hearing date and time shown below the caption on page one."

WPF DV-2A.020 Temporary Order For Protection And Notice Of Hearing (Children) Added a place to write the next hearing date, time and place on the front page under the caption.

On page one, added an identification information data field for Minors addressed in the order. The table includes name, date of birth, age and sex.

Some more space was added to the protection order paragraphs.

In the first information box on page 2, removed the paragraph starting with "This Temporary Order for Protection is effective " Added the following sentence to the end of the sentence directing the respondent to appear: "THE NEXT HEARING DATE AND TIME IS SHOWN BELOW THE CAPTION ON PAGE ONE."

The following sentence was added above the date line: "This Temporary Order for Protection is effective until the next hearing date and time shown below the caption on page one."

WPF DV-2B.020 Temporary Order For Protection And Notice Of Hearing Added a place to write the next hearing date, time and place on the front page under the caption.

Added an identification information data field for minors addressed in the order. The table includes name, date of birth, age and sex.

Some more space was added to the protection order paragraphs.

In the first information box on page 2, removed the paragraph starting with "This Temporary Order for Protection is effective " Added the following sentence to the end of the sentence directing the respondent to appear: "THE NEXT HEARING DATE AND TIME IS SHOWN BELOW THE CAPTION ON PAGE ONE."

The following sentence was added above the date line: "This Temporary Order for Protection is effective until the next hearing date and time shown below the caption on page one."

WPF DV-3.010 Order for Protection (No Children) Formatting changes, only. Added more space to the protection order paragraphs. On page 2, moved the sentences beginning with "This order is issued " and "If the duration of this order exceeds " from the center to the end of the page.
WPF DV-3.020 Order for Protection (Children) On page one, added a column for date of birth and sex, in the table for minors addressed in the order.

Corrected the language in the second paragraph on page two from "RESTRAIN respondent from," to "Respondent is RESTRAINED from." In the same paragraph,

corrected the paragraph reference to minors to "minors in the table on page one."

Added more space to the protection order paragraphs.

Combined the sentence "Petitioner may request modification of visitation if the respondent fails to comply with treatment or counseling as ordered by the court," with the preceding paragraph regarding visitation allowed the respondent.

Added "(Date)" under the line for the expiration date, on page three.

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