June 2002

Summary of Changes to Domestic Violence Forms

Use this sheet to track changes made in June 2002 to the forms.


WPF DV-1.040

Law Enforcement Information Sheet

In the bottom right corner of the form, change "Respondent's History Includes" to "Restrained Person's History Includes."

WPF DV-2.015

Temporary Order for Protection and Notice of Hearing (All Cases)

At the bottom of page two, in the box regarding the next hearing date, delete the word "home" between "electronic" and "monitoring."

WPF DV-4.020

Return of Service

In the list of served forms, in the left hand column, delete the fifth and seventh check box options.

In the right hand column, delete the first check box option; change the second check box option to "Motion to Modify/Terminate Order for Protection;" change the third check box option to "Order Modifying/Terminating Order for Protection;" delete the fourth check box option; and add two lines after "Other" in the last check box option.

WPF DV-5.035

Ex Parte Temporary Order for Renewal of Order for Protection and Notice of HearingThis form is based upon RCW 26.50.060(3). This order may be entered if timely service of the petition for renewal cannot be made before the expiration of the Order for Protection.

WPF DV-5.040

Order on Renewal of Order for ProtectionChange the title of the form by changing the first "for" to "on." A similar change is made in the footer.

The words "City/County" are deleted from the caption.

The first sentence under "Granted" is changed from:

    Granted. The Order for Protection is permanent expires on ______________________ [date].


    Granted. The terms of the Order for Protection entered on ______________________ [date] are renewed and shall expire on ________________________________[date]

The "Denied" section is changed as follows:

    Denied. Respondent has proved by a preponderance of the evidence that when the order expires respondent will not resume acts of violence against petitioner petitioner's children or family or household members.

The following is inserted as the third check box option in the box regarding service:

    Respondent appeared and was informed of the order by the court; further service is not required.

WPF DV-6.010

Petitioner's Motion to Terminate Order for Protection, Notice of Hearing and OrderThis form is deleted.

WPF DV-6.020

Denial/Dismissal Order

The former form WPF DV-6.020, Denial of Petition, is deleted and replaced with the new form WPF DV-6.020, Denial/Dismissal Order, which may be used to deny or dismiss various petitions or motions. This form may be used in domestic violence and in antiharassment cases.

WPF DV-7.010

Motion to Modify/Terminate Order for Protection

The former form WPF DV-7.010, Application to Terminate or Modify Temporary Order for Protection, is deleted and replaced with the new motion that can be used to modify or terminate a temporary or full order of protection.

WPF DV-7.030

Order Modifying/Terminating Order for Protection

The former form WPF DV-7.030, Order Terminating/Modifying Temporary Order for Protection is deleted and replaced with this new order modifying or terminating a temporary or full order of protection.

WPF DV-8.010

Motion to Modify Order for Protection and Notice of Hearing

This form is deleted.

WPF DV-8.020

Order Modifying Order for Protection

This form is deleted.

WPF DV-9.040

Proof of Mailing

In the list of documents, in the left hand column, delete the second check box option that begins with "Petitioner's Motion to Terminate…"

In the right hand column, change the second check box option from "Respondent's Motion to Modify Order for Protection and Notice of Hearing" to "Motion to Modify/Terminate Order for Protection."

Change the third check box option from "Order Modifying Temporary Order for Protection" to "Order Modifying/Terminating Order for Protection.

Delete the fourth, fifth and sixth check box options and add two lines in the check box option for "Other."

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