June 13, 2006

TO: Superior Court Judges, County Clerks, Superior Court Administrators, Prosecuting Attorneys, Defense Attorneys and Law Libraries
FROM: Merrie Gough, Legal Analyst
SUBJECT: 2006 Summary of Changes to Felony Judgment and Sentence Forms

The following are proposed updates to the Felony Judgment and Sentence forms based upon 2006 legislative changes:


Felony Judgment and Sentence Form


Laws of 2006, ch. 122, § 1(1) authorizes the prosecuting attorney to file a special allegation that an offense was predatory. Laws of 2006, ch. 122, § 1(2) then directs the jury to find a special verdict or the court to make a finding of fact that the offense was predatory. 

To implement Laws of 2006, ch. 122, § 1(2), in paragraph 2.1, insert the following as the second check box option in the list of findings and special verdicts:

[ ] A special verdict/finding that the offense was predatory was returned on Count(s) ________.  RCW 9.94A.___.

Laws of 2006, ch. 122, § 2, creates the special verdict/finding that a victim is under the age of 15 at the time of the offense. 

To implement this new section, in paragraph 2.1, insert the following as the third check box option in the list of findings and special verdicts:

[ ] A special verdict/finding that the victim was under 15 years of age at the time of the offense was returned on Count(s) _____________ RCW 9.94A.____.

Laws of 2006, ch. 122, § 3, creates the special verdict/finding that, at the time of the offense, the victim was developmentally disabled, mentally disordered, or a frail elder or vulnerable adult.

To implement this new section, in paragraph 2.1, insert the following as the fourth check box option in the list of findings and special verdicts:

[ ] A special verdict/finding that the victim was developmentally disabled, mentally disordered, or a frail elder or vulnerable adult at the time of the offense was returned on Count(s) ___________ RCW 9.94A.___, 9A.44.010.

Also in paragraph 2.1, in the list of findings and special verdicts:

a.  Move the following special verdict/finding from its current location and place it as the fifth check box option:

[ ]  A special verdict/finding of sexual motivation was returned on Count(s) ______RCW 9.94A.835.


b.  Move the following special verdict/finding from its current location and place it as the sixth check box option:

[ ]  This case involves kidnapping in the fist degree, kidnapping in the second degree, or unlawful imprisonment as defined in chapter 9A.40 RCW, where the victim is a minor and the offender is not the minor’s parent.  RCW 9A.44.130.

c.  In the check box option for “A special verdict/finding for Violation of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act, insert “(VUCSA)” immediately after the name of the act.

Laws of 2006, ch. 123, § 1 amends RCW 9.94A.533 by adding a new subsection (8), which creates a new sexual motivation enhancement. 

To implement Laws of 2006, ch. 123, § 1(8)(a), add the following enhancement abbreviation to the end of the enhancements listed below the Sentencing Data table in paragraph 2.3:

(SM) Sexual motivation, RCW 9.94A.533(8).

Paragraph 4.3:  Pursuant to Laws of 2006, ch. 138, § 16(6), upon conviction of a sex offense as defined in RCW 9.94A.030, any violation of RCW 9A.44.096 or any violation of RCW 9.68A.090 (or gross misdemeanor attempt to commit under chapter 9A.28), any condition of sentence restricting the defendant’s ability to contact the victim must be recorded as a sexual assault protection order, with a separate order.  To implement this new provision, change paragraph 4.3 as follows:

[ ] Domestic Violence No-Contact Order, or Antiharassment No-Contact Order, or Sexual Assault Protection Order is filed with this Judgment and Sentence.

Pursuant to Laws of 2006, ch. 138, § 16(2)(a), a pre-conviction sexual assault protection order may include a condition of release that the defendant submit to electronic monitoring.  Upon conviction, the court may order the defendant to reimburse the providing agency for the costs of the electronic monitoring. 

To implement this new optional cost, add the following check box option to paragraph 4.3:

[ ]   The defendant is ordered to reimburse ________________ (name of electronic monitoring agency) at __________________________, for the cost of pretrial electronic monitoring, in the amount of $______.

In Confinement Over One Year, in paragraph 4.5(a), make the following changes:

Laws of 2006, ch. 123, § 1(8)(b) states sexual motivation enhancements are mandatory, must be served in total confinement and must run consecutively to all other sentencing provisions.  To implement Laws of 2006, ch. 123, § 1(8)(b), change the following paragraph in Confinement Over One year, paragraph 4.5(a) as follows:

Actual number of months of total confinement ordered is:_______________________________________. (Add mandatory firearm,  and deadly weapons, and sexual motivation enhancement time to run consecutively to other counts, see Section 2.3, Sentencing Data, above.)

Laws of 2006, ch 123, § 1(8)(b) states that sexual motivation enhancements must run consecutively to all other sentencing provisions.  Additionally, Laws of 2006, ch. 339, § 301 amends RCW 9.94A.533(6) as follows:

“(6) An additional twenty four months shall be added to the standard sentence range for any ranked offense involving a violation of chapter 69.50 RCW if the offense was also a violation of RCW 69.50.435 or 9.94A.605.  All enhancements under this subsection shall run consecutively to all other sentencing provisions, for all offenses sentenced under this chapter.

To implement Laws of 2006, ch 123, § 1(8)(b) and Laws of 2006, ch. 339, § 301, change the following paragraph in Confinement Over One year, paragraph 4.5(a) as follows:

All counts shall be served concurrently, except for the portion of those counts for which there is a special finding of a firearm, or other deadly weapon, or sexual motivation, VUCSA in a protected zone, or manufacture of methamphetamine with juvenile present as set forth above at Section 2.3, and except for the following counts which shall be served consecutively:_______________________________

In Confinement Over One Year, in paragraph 4.6, Community Placement/Community Custody, in the paragraph beginning with “while on community placement or community custody….,” in the section with numbered requirements, insert the following requirement based upon RCW 9.94A.720, as the third requirement:

“(3) notify DOC of any change in defendant’s address or employment;”

Renumber the remaining numbered requirements and insert the following at the eighth requirement:

“and (8) for sex offenses, submit to electronic monitoring if imposed by DOC.”

This new requirement for sex offenses is based upon Laws of 2006, ch. 130, which authorizes the Indeterminate Sentence Review Board and the Department of Corrections to impose electronic monitoring as a condition of community custody.

Also change the last check box of paragraph 4.6 as follows:

[ ] For sentences imposed under RCW 9.94A.712, other conditions, including electronic monitoring, may be imposed….

Changes to Jail One Year or Less:

Laws of 2006, ch. 128, relates to the offense of Failure to Register as a Sex Offender (second or subsequent offense).  Laws of 2006, ch. 128, § 4 amends RCW 9.94A.545 by adding a new subsection (2):

(2) If the offender is guilty of failure to register under RCW 9A.44.130(10)(a), the court shall impose a term of community custody under RCW 9.94A.715.

Laws of 2006, ch. 128, § 5 makes a corresponding change to RCW 9.94A.715(1): 

“When a court sentences a person to the custody of the department for a sex offense not sentenced under RCW 9.94A.712, a violent offense, any crime against persons under RCW 9.94A.411(2), or a felony offense under chapter 69.50 or 69.52 RCW, committed on or after July 1, 2000, or when a court sentences a person to a term of confinement of one year or less for a violation of RCW 9A.44.130(10)(a) committed on or after the effective date of this act, the court shall in addition to other terms of the sentence, sentence the offender to community custody for the community custody range established under RCW 9.94A.850 or up to the period of earned release awarded pursuant to RCW 9.94A.728 (1) and (2), whichever is longer...”

[Note:  Laws of 2006, ch. 129, § 1, amended RCW 9A.44.130 by adding a new subsection (7).  Subsection 10(a), relating to failure to register as a sex offender, was renumbered as subsection 11(a).]

To implement Laws of 2006, ch. 128, in Jail One Year or Less, paragraph 4.6, Community/Supervision/Custody, insert the following at the end of the first paragraph:

“…For offenses committed on or after June 7, 2006, the court shall impose a term of community custody under RCW 9.94A.715 if the offender is guilty of failure to register (second or subsequent offense) under RCW 9A.44.130(11)(a).”

To implement Laws of 2006, ch. 130, which authorizes the Indeterminate Sentence Review Board and the Department of Corrections to impose electronic monitoring as a condition of community custody, in paragraph 4.6, change the paragraph that begins with “Defendant shall report to DOC…” as follows:

“Defendant shall report to DOC, ______________ (address of office) not later than 72 hours after release from custody; and the defendant shall perform affirmative acts necessary to monitor compliance with the orders of the court as required by DOC. For sex offenses, defendant shall submit to electronic monitoring if imposed by DOC.  Defendantand shall comply with the instructions, rules and regulations of DOC….”

Also in paragraph 4.6, change the paragraph beginning with “[ ] For sentencing imposed…”  as follows:

“[ ] For sentences imposed under RCW 9.94A.712, other conditions, including electronic monitoring, may be imposed…”

Change to Special Sex Offender Sentencing Alternative, paragraph (d) Suspension of Sentence:

To implement Laws of 2006, ch. 130, which authorizes the Indeterminate Sentence Review Board and the Department of Corrections to impose electronic monitoring as a condition of community custody, change paragraph (d) Suspension of Sentence as follows:


“….The defendant shall report as directed to a community corrections officer, pay all legal financial obligations, perform any court ordered community restitution (service) work, submit to eletronic monitoring if imposed by DOC, and be subject to the following terms and conditions or other conditions that may be imposed by the court or DOC during community custody:”

Change to Special Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative: 

Laws of 2006, ch. 339, § 302 amends RCW 9.94A.660(5)(a) by changing the length of total confinement under the prison-based alternative as follows:

“(5) The prison-based alternative shall include:

(a) A period of total confinement in a state facility for one-half of the midpoint of the standard sentence range or twelve months, whichever is greater….”

To implement Laws of 2006, ch. 339, § 302, in the  Special Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative, change paragraph 4.5(A)(1), as follows:

(1) Confinement.  Defendant is sentenced to the following term of total confinement in the custody of the Department of Corrections (DOC) (half of the midpoint of the standard range, or 12 months, whichever is greater): ______________ months of total confinement in the custody of DOC.

Change to Confinement Over One Year:  Persistent Offender:

In the paragraph 4.5, delete “Confinement Over One Year”, from the heading.  The updated heading paragraph 4.5 is “Persistent Offender.  The defendant was found to be a Persistent Offender.”

Laws of 2006, ch.124, § 1, amends RCW 9.94A.030(32)(b)(i) [(33)(b)(i)] by adding assault of a child in the second degree, to the list of offenses that, with a finding of sexual motivation, are counted as persistent offender strikes (two strikes).

To implement this change, in Confinement Over One Year: Persistent Offender, in the second check box paragraph, insert “assault of a child in the second degree” after “assault of a child in the first degree,”and before  “or burglary in the first degree.”

Changes to paragraph 5.7 Sex and Kidnapping Offender Registration:

Enter a paragraph return after “10.01.200” and add the following heading to the first paragraph that begins with “Because this crime involves….”: 

“1.  General Applicability and Requirements:”

Add the following heading to the second paragraph:

“2.  Offenders Who Leave the State and Return:”


Laws of 2006, ch. 126, § 1, amends RCW 9A.44.130(4)(a)(v) by changing the time period in which a new or returning Washington resident must register from 30 days to three business days.  To implement this change, update the second paragraph as follows:


       If you leave this state following your sentencing or release from custody but later move back to Washington, you must register within 30 three business days after moving to this state or within 24 hours after doing so if you are under the jurisdiction of this state's Department of Corrections.  If you leave this state following your sentencing or release from custody, but later while not a resident of Washington you become employed in Washington, carry on a vocation in Washington, or attend school in Washington, you must register within 30 three business days after attending school in this state or becoming employed or carrying out a vocation in this state, or within 24 hours after doing so if you are under the jurisdiction of this state’s Department of Corrections.


Add the following heading to the third paragraph:


“3. Change of Residence Within State and Leaving the State:”


Laws of 2006, ch. 126, § 1, amends RCW 9A.44.130(5)(a) to require a person who changes residence in a county to provide signed written notice of a change of address.  To implement this change, update the third paragraph as follows:

       If you change your residence within a county, you must send signed written notice of your change of residence to the sheriff within 72 hours of moving.  If you change your residence to a new county within this state, you must send signed written notice of your change of residence to the sheriff of your new county of residence at least 14 days before moving and register with that sheriff within 24 hours of moving.  ,and You must also give signed written notice of your change of address to the sheriff of the county where last registered within 10 days of moving.  If you move out of Washington State, you must send written notice within 10 days of moving to the new state or foreign country to the county sheriff with whom you last registered in Washington State.


Move the paragraph that begins to “If you move to another state…” so it is the fourth paragraph and add the following heading to the fourth paragraph:

“4.  Additional Requirements Upon Moving to Another State:”

Add the following heading to the fifth paragraph:

“5.  Notification Requirement When Enrolling in or Employed by a Public or Private Institution of Higher Education or Common School (K-12):”

Laws of 2006, ch. 126, § 2 amends RCW 9A.44.130 as it was amended by Laws of 2005, ch. 380, § 1.  The 2005 text is included in Laws of 2006, ch. 126, § 2, which becomes effective September 1, 2006.  The new text, RCW 9A.44.130(1)(b)(i) and (c), states:

“(b) Any adult or juvenile who is required to register under (a) of this subsection:
(i) Who is attending, or planning to attend, a public or private school regulated under title 28A RCW or chapter 72.40 RCW shall, within ten days of enrolling or prior to arriving at the school to attend classes, whichever is earlier, notify the sheriff for the county of the person’s residence of the person’s intent to attend the school, and the sheriff shall promptly notify the principal of the school;

(c) Persons, required to register under this section, who are enrolled in …. a public or private school regulated under Title 28A RCW or chapter 72.40 RCW on the effective date of this act, must notify the county sheriff immediately.”

To implement, these subsections, add the following language to the end of the fifth paragraph:

       (Effective September 1, 2006) If you attend, or plan to attend, a public or private school regulated under Title 28A RCW or chapter 72.40 RCW, you are required to notify the sheriff of the county of your residence of your intent to attend the school.  You must notify the sheriff within 10 days of enrolling or 10 days prior to arriving at the school to attend classes, whichever is earlier.  If you are enrolled on September 1, 2006, you must notify the sheriff immediately.  The sheriff shall promptly notify the principal of the school.


Add the following heading to the sixth paragraph:


“6.  Registration by a Person Who Does Not Have a Fixed Residence:”


Laws of 2006, ch. 126, § 1, amends RCW 9A.44.130(6)(a) by requiring a person who lacks a fixed residence to provide signed written notice to the sheriff of the county where he or she last registered within 48 hours excluding weekends and holidays after ceasing to have a fixed residence.  To implement the change, update the sixth paragraph, as follows:

Even Iif you lack do not have a fixed residence, you are required to register.  Registration must occur within 24 hours of release in the county where you are being supervised if you do not have a residence at the time of your release from custody. or within Within 48 hours, excluding weekends and holidays, after ceasing to have alosing your fixed residence, you must send signed written notice to the sheriff of the county where you last registered.  If you enter a different county and stay there for more than 24 hours, you will be required to register in the new county.  You must also report weekly in person to the sheriff of the county where you are registered.  The weekly report shall be on a day specified by the county sheriff’s office, and shall occur during normal business hours. The county sheriff’s office You may be required you to provide a list of the locations where you have stayed during the last seven days.  The lack of a fixed residence is a factor that may be considered in determining an offender’s risk level and shall make the offender subject to disclosure of information to the public at large pursuant to RCW 4.24.550.

Laws of 2006, ch. 129 amends RCW 9A.44.130 by adding a new subsection (7). RCW 9A.44.130(7) requires offenders with a fixed address who are designated as a risk level II or III to report, in person, every 90 days to the county sheriff of the county where he or she is registered.  If the offender complies with the 90-day reporting period with no violations for at least five years in the community, the offender may petition the superior court to be relieved of the duty to report every 90 days.  New section (7) also includes additional details about the 90-day reporting requirements.  To implement Laws of 2006, ch. 129, add a new paragraph seven as follows:

7.  Reporting Requirements for Persons Who Are Risk Level II or III:  If you have a fixed residence and you are designated as a risk level II or III, you must report, in person, every 90 days to the sheriff of the county where you are registered.  Reporting shall be on a day specified by the county sheriff’s office, and shall occur during normal business hours.  If you comply with the 90-day reporting requirement with no violations for at least five years in the community, you may petition the superior court to be relieved of the duty to report every 90 days.

Add the following heading to the eighth paragraph:

“8.  Application for a Name Change:”

Changes to the Voting Rights Statement:

Delete the partial citation “RCW 10.64.___” after “Voting Rights Statement” and delete the session law citation after the defendant’s signature line.

Change to Additional Current Offenses, Criminal History and Current Offense Sentencing Data (Appendix 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3, Judgment and Sentence):

Laws of 2006, ch. 123, § 1 amends RCW 9.94A.533 by adding a new subsection (8), which creates a new sexual motivation enhancement. 

To implement Laws of 2006, ch. 123, § 1(8)(a), add the  following enhancement abbreviation to the end of the enhancements listed below the Sentencing Data table in paragraph 2.3:

(SM) Sexual motivation, RCW 9.94A.533(8).


Domestic Violence No-Contact Order


In the sentence containing the protected person’s name, after “This order protects” delete “(name).”  Below the line for the protected person’s name, insert:

(Write the protected person’s name or if minor you may use initials and DOB. RCW 7.69A.030.)

In the Warnings to Defendant, insert title “7” at the end of the first full paragraph.  This change is based upon Laws of 2006, ch. 138, the Sexual Assault Protection Order Act.

Below the signature lines, insert:

A Law Enforcement Information Sheet (LEIS) must be completed.


Harassment No-Contact Order


In the section ordering the clerk of the court to forward the order to law enforcement for data entry, change “where the above-named protected person lives” to “where the case is filed.” 


Sexual Assault Protection Order


This is a new order created pursuant to Laws of 2006, ch. 138, § 16.


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