Washington Courts: Press Release Detail


January 14, 2014

A fraudulent email is being widely distributed around the U.S. with the subject line “Urgent court notice NR#73230” (or another random number) that claims the receiver is scheduled to appear in “the court of Washington” on January 17. The receiver is then instructed to open the attached court notice and read it thoroughly, and is warned about not appearing. This is a “malware” email and will download a virus to your computer if you open the attachment. Please delete the email immediately without opening it. This email did not originate with the Administrative Office of the Courts or any Washington courts, and neither AOC nor the Judicial Information System (JIS) have been impacted in any way. For some useful information and tips, visit the FBI E-Scams and Warnings site at http://www.fbi.gov/scams-safety/e-scams

Washington Courts Media Contacts:

Wendy K. Ferrell
Judicial Communications Manager
e-mail Wendy.Ferrell@courts.wa.gov
Lorrie Thompson
Communications Officer

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