Summary Observations

Confidence in American Institutions

The overall confidence the public places in American institutions is high with the exception of the media and the state legislature.

In general both at the national and Washington state level, 70% or more of the public has either a great deal of confidence or some confidence in public schools, the office of the Governor, the local police department and the medical profession.

Both the United States Supreme Court and "courts in your community" receive a 70% or higher vote of confidence (courts in Washington state receive 67%) with the national sample and Washington residents.

The level of confidence in the state legislature is comparably less with only 9% saying they have a great deal of confidence and 48% have some confidence while 35% have little or no confidence in Washington states legislature. These numbers are more severe compared to the national sample where slightly higher marks are given.

Confidence in the media in the national survey is split with 49% saying they have confidence and 49% do not. Comparing these statistics to the Washington state survey, 57% say they have little or no confidence in the media and 42% have some or a lot.


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