Welcome to the Washington State Judicial Education Course Units
for Judicial Ethics Help Page!

The purpose of this page is to provide any assistance or tips on the operation of the course units.

The course units are optimized for 800x600 resolution and thousands of colors. If for any reason you find it difficult to view the site without consistently scrolling to reach the "Back" and "Next" buttons, please make sure your resolution is set properly and close all other applications and windows including the Microsoft Office Shortcut bar if it is present.

When printing pages, be sure to select "Landscape" layout to display the entire page.

If for any reason you may have a need for additional assistance to view or operate the course units, please email the following address with your question. Please note, this email address is not for questions pertaining to Judicial Ethics. To access an email address regarding ethics opinions, click Exit at left and click "Ethics Advisory Committee."


To return to the tutorial, click the unit name at left.