Reset Your Password

Contact your company/firm's Site Coordinator. If you are the Site Coordinator review the JIS Link Security/Billing Manual

   Password Change Instructions for JIS-Link Users

First Time Logon

  1. At RACFID/User ID: Type your User ID.
  2. At Old Password: When you log on for the first time, or after a password reset, the default temporary password will be in ALL CAPS. When resetting to a new password you must follow the mixed case rules shown below.
  3. At New Password type a new password by following the standards below.
  4. Verify Password: type the new password you typed at New Password
  5. Click Change Password

Password Standards:

  • Passwords MUST be exactly 8 (eight) characters; no more, no less.
  • Passwords MUST contain at least one upper case letter.
  • Passwords MUST contain at least one lower case letter.
  • Passwords MUST contain at least one number.
  • ONLY these special characters may be used (although they are not required): @ # $ ! % & * _ + | : ? > < . - =
  • Passwords must not contain the user's login name, or any part of the user's full name. In other words, passwords may not contain any three or more consecutive characters from your name as it appears in the RACF database. For example, user "John Smith" may not use the consecutive characters "Joh", "John", "Smi", "Smit", or "Smith" as part of his password.
  • Passwords will expire every 90 days.
  • Passwords are revoked after five (5) incorrect attempts.
  • Your last ten (10) passwords are remembered by the system; so each time a password is changed it should be unique.

If you need help with logging into the JIS-Link application for the first time or after a password reset, see the JIS-Link Customer Manual - JIS-Link First Time Login.


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